At All Saints Catholic Primary School, we want to encourage and nurture a love for languages. We want children to feel excited and proud about learning Spanish and equip them with the skills to communicate confidently with others. To provide fun, engaging lessons that promote learning, we want the Spanish curriculum to tap into our school community’s interests and reflect the diversity that we celebrate.
The Spanish curriculum makes cross curricular links with other subjects and topics being covered in class to help children see connections, pique their curiosity and encourage pathways for further discoveries and learning. It aims to celebrate the cultural differences between Spanish speaking countries and the United Kingdom, building in opportunities to discuss traditions, history, religion and geography.
The Spanish provision develops all four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Through carefully chosen topics, children gain a strong knowledge of frequently used vocabulary, grammar and phonics. High importance is placed on giving children ample opportunities for speaking Spanish to develop their pronunciation. Teacher modelling, video and audio materials help model pronunciation accurately. Songs are used to aid memory and recall of key vocabulary whilst ensuring learning is fun. Children are taught to recognise patterns and shared roots and endings of words. Vocabulary is built on gradually over time to help children retain new information and boost confidence. Teaching children verb conjugation of frequently used Spanish verbs helps them to understand sentence structure and enables them to form their own sentences to express themselves clearly. Cultural topics are embedded every term to provide children with an interest in the country and the basis for an educated knowledge of Spain and its traditions.
Spanish teaching supports learners to make progress and empower them to feel resilient and enthusiastic about learning the language. Teachers recognise that making mistakes is an important part of the language learning process but maintain high expectations of individuals. Children are encouraged to self-assess their Spanish learning and reflect on their next steps. Meanwhile, teachers monitor assessment in a range of ways, including observation of participation levels, engagement, pronunciation and written work. At the end of each term children are recorded on video having a conversation or presentation, where they demonstrate the language skills they have acquired throughout the topic.
In addition, Spanish is included in the school Balance assessment system termly.
Assessment then informs planning to promote progress in developing language skills. We want children to leave primary school with an interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and with the skills to communicate effectively. Regular Spanish practice helps children become confident Spanish speakers and prepares them for a smooth transition to learn foreign languages at secondary school.
Children use their Spanish around school, when greeting, counting or singing, as well as in their prayers. They are proud of their learning and want to show it in different situations.
Y6 pupils have the exceptional opportunity to travel to Spain for a week and take part in Spanish school life in Seville, as well as participating in cultural activities and visits to monuments, football clubs and various restaurants. This has proven to have a great impact in their appreciation of the language and develop renewed interest in the country.