Mainstream Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Inclusion
At All Saints Catholic Primary School we know that all children are different and firmly believe that children develop at different rates. Many of our children have barriers to their learning and may require additional support during their time at our school and beyond. We are committed to ensuring that children with SEND are fully included in the many wonderful opportunities available at our school.
We are a fully inclusive school and strive to ensure all our children are stretched to reach their full potential through access to a rich broad and balanced curriculum. We do this by applying the graduated approach, working with parents and carers and most importantly, by listening to our children.
Our staff focus on high quality teaching for all our children, underpinned by the Education Endowment Foundation’s report on special educational needs in mainstream schools and the ‘five-a-day’ principles which outline how high quality teaching can benefit children with SEND.
Mainstream SEND Staff

Mrs H Marsden
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
She can be contacted either by;
- Email – [email protected]
- Telephone – 0151 263 9561 (option 4)
- SeeSaw – SENCO
The SEND link governor is Mrs Cliff
The Graduated Approach at All Saints
“A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.
Section 6.15 SEND Code of Practice 2015
Where children are identified through staff observations, assessments and discussions with parents, as needing additional support then we implement the ‘Graduated Approach’ in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (January 2015). This is implemented through a continuous monitoring cycle, where we look at what strengths and barriers a child may have, how we can support them to reach their potential and review what progress they have made. This is known as the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) Cycle’.
Through the application of the APDR cycle children are supported at the correct level for their needs. We currently commission services from the following agencies;
- Liverpool Educational Psychology Service
- YPAS Seedlings
- ADHD Foundation
- Mental Health Support Team
- Together Trust
- Play Therapy
Where appropriate we are able to make referrals to the following health services;
- Community Speech and Language Team
- Development Paediatrics
- ASD Pathway
- ADHD Pathway
- Occupational Therapy
- Bereavement Support Services
- Bowel and Bladder Team
- School Nurse
- Physiotherapy Team
We also are able to access support from the following local authority services;
- Special Educational Needs Inclusion Support Service (SENISS)
- Behaviour Intervention Team (BIT)
- Sensory Services for Visually Impaired and Hearing Impaired
- Family Help Team
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)
A small percentage of pupils, with the highest level of need, will require additional support over and above what is available at the ‘SEN Support’ level. Provision for these pupils will be through an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Any parent who feels that their child may require a statutory assessment of their needs are encouraged to speak to the school SENCO in the first instance.
SEN Documents
Parental Signposting
There are lots of opportunities for parents to access additional support through a variety of agencies either online, in person or through in school sessions. Lots of signposting is sent to parents through the SeeSaw App and the school newsletter.
ADDvanced Solutions
0151 486 1788
ADHD Foundation
0151 541 9020
ASD Training Team
0151 233 5988
Liverpool Local Offer
LivPac (Liverpool Parent Carer Forum)
Mental Health Support
There are a number of agencies available to support children with their mental health needs.
Mental health support for children and young people in Liverpool (formally CAMHS)
Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS)
0151 707 1025
Emergency Advice
The Children and Young People’s (CYP) Crisis Care team provides support, advice and guidance to children, families and professionals in crisis. To speak to a member of the team, call:
CYP Crisis Line – 0151 293 3577
Crisis Care FREEPHONE: 0808 196 3550
CALL 111 and press 2 – the mental health option.
Fresh CAMHS – 0151 293 3662