The Local Authority SEN Team allocates the places at All Saints Enhanced Provision School. Being part of our mainstream school does not guarantee a place in our Enhanced Provision.
Pupils at All Saints Enhanced Provision are aged between 5- 11 years and have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP).
All Saints Enhanced Provision caters for children with severe learning difficulties and/or complex autism.
Your LA SEN Officer will be able to advise you on the process for applying for a place at All Saints Enhanced Provision.
The Liverpool SEN Team can be contacted via email: [email protected]
SEN Transport
All information about SEN transport can be found on the Liverpool Early Help Directory:
Parents and carers of pupils up to the age of 18 with a SEND (special education need or disability) can apply for help with transport to and from school or college by using the form on the following web page:
The application form on the web page is for parents and carers to apply on behalf of a:
- pupil with a special educational need up to the age of 16 on the 1st of September in the academic year they apply
- pupil or student with a long or short-term disability.
If you have any difficulties, please contact school and we will support in any way we can.
The following documents give the full details of Liverpool’s SEND transport offer.
School Dinners
All Saints Enhanced Provision offers a flexible approach to school meals. Many of our children have a limited diet and we do our best to meet these needs. Many parents send in a packed lunch that caters to their child’s needs. However, staff will always have school food for your child to try and will do their best to entice pupils to enjoy a wider variety of foods. All children in years R – Y2 are entitled to universal free school meals, regardless of income.
For those who think they may already be entitled to free school meals beyond this year 2, please contact school asap and we will support you with the application as it brings many other benefits, such as holiday food, which are worth accessing in addition to the free school meals.
School Uniform
All Saints Enhanced Provision shares the same uniform as All Saints Voluntary Aided Primary School, examples of which are set out below. However, we are aware that often children’s sensory or emotional needs mean that they find wearing a uniform unpleasant. If this is an issue for your child, please do not hesitate to speak to staff and we will endeavour to find an appropriate solution.
Nursery Uniform
- School jumper/cardigan with logo
- White polo shirt
- Grey joggers
- Velcro trainers
Reception – Yr6 Uniform
- School jumper/cardigan with logo
- White shirt
- School tie
- Grey/black trousers
- Grey skirt/pinafore
- Black shoes
- Grey Socks
PE Kit
- Red and white t-shirt with school logo
- Red shorts
- Black pumps/trainers
Summer Uniform
- Blue and white check summer dress
- Grey cardigan with school logo
- Grey shorts
- Short Sleeve shirt
- White/Black Shoes
Contacts and Useful Information
Liverpool Local Offer
The Expert Parent’s Guide to Childhood Anxiety
Liverpool Early Help Directory
Autism Training Team
[email protected]
07515 501854
07522 800193
National Autistic Society
0808 800 1050
ADHD Foundation
0150 237 2661
Alder Hey ASD Pathway
[email protected]
0151 252 5252
[email protected]
0151 293 3662
CAMHS Crisis
0151 293 3577
[email protected]
0151 707 1025
ADDvanced Solutions
[email protected]
0151 486 1788
Autism Alliance
0190 950 6678
LIVPAC (Liverpool parents and carers)
[email protected]
0151 727 5271
Isabella Trust
[email protected]
07956 749774
Autism in Motion
[email protected]
0151 252 2225