Dear Parents and Carers,


We are pleased to announce that we have booked the school photographer for Thursday 3rd April 2025.

Every child in school including Nursery and Enhanced Provision will be photographed both individually and with their siblings.

Nursery – If your child DOES NOT attend nursery on Thursday’s you will be invited to bring your child into school between 10am and 11am for them to have their photograph taken.

Reception – As reception classes are out on a trip to Farmer Ted’s this day, we are asking that pupils arrive at school for 8.30am to have their photograph taken before they leave for their day out.

Siblings – These will be taken between 8.30am and 9.00am on this day. Please call the school office on 0151 263 9561 to inform us if you will be attending for sibling photographs.

On the day your child will be given a QR code to bring home, you will then be able to log on to your account and view the photographs. There is no obligation to purchase the photographs.

If you DO NOT want your child to be photographed, please contact the school office on 0151 263 9561.


Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.



Head Teacher