- The Queen of Greens Fruit and Veg Bus
The healthy bus gives residents more opportunities to shop for nutritious food closer to their home, or workplace, stopping off in local communities, including schools, hospitals and community centres and neighbourhoods near you. They accept Healthy Start Vouchers at the van! Scan the QR code to see what payment options they take including healthy start credits.
The ‘Queen of Greens’ – a greengrocers on wheels – is taking to the roads of Liverpool

- Healthy Start
If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4 you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. Click on the link to find out how to register
Get help to buy food and milk (the Healthy Start scheme)
- Trussel Trust
See the Trussell Trust websites for Foodbank’s, individuals will still need a referral as per usual process rather than people going directly to the Foodbank.
North Liverpool Foodbank Locations
- Cost of Living
If you are struggling with the cost of living then please click:

- Citizen’s Advice Liverpool
Citizens Advice Liverpool have put together some resources to help with the demands of cost of living
Visit the Citizens Advice website for self-help advice for help with:
- Paying your energy bills
- If you’re struggling with living costs
- Reducing your regular living costs
- Getting help from a foodbank
- If you can’t pay your bills
- Working out a budget
You can also use the Money Helper Budgeting Tool.
- Last year, Citizens Advice Liverpool helped 30,000 people with the problems they
Last year, Citizens Advice Liverpool helped 30,000 people with the problems they face.
- If you need help, call us today on freephone 0808 278 7840
- If you need debt advice, call 0300 330 1196
- If you need help to claim universal credit, call 0800 144 8 444
We can use translation services on your call, just ask for language line.

Where to get further help….
Relationkit– Everyone needs a hand with their relationship sometimes. Add kids
into the mix, and there can be lots of extra pressure on you both, as you juggle
looking after yourselves and your little (and not so little) ones. Explore below to
find content on some really common things like struggling to communicate well
Relationkit– Everyone needs a hand with their relationship sometimes. Add kids into the mix, and there can be lots of extra pressure on you both, as you juggle looking after yourselves and your little (and not so little) ones. Explore below to find content on some really common things like struggling to communicate well with your partner, raising kids together, and parenting after break-up. https://relationkit.co.uk/
Solihull online Parenting programme -Understanding your relationships. https://inourplace.heiapply.com/online-learning/course/53 The password is Purplebin,
Relate Cheshire & Merseyside support all people who experience relationship difficulties, no matter what the status of a relationship is. They support those who are single, in a couple, separated, or in same sex relationships. There is no barrier to accessing their services. Whatever your circumstances they’re dedicated to helping you get the most out of your relationships, no matter how big or small the issue. https://www.relate.org.uk/centre/cheshire-merseyside.
The see if differently campaign as videos and links to services that may be
beneficial. https://www.seeitdifferently.org/
The Separated families website has a wealth of child focused information for parents/carers. https://www.separatedfamilies.info/
Citizens Advice give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward – whoever they are, and whatever their difficulties. They offer confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/family/
How to keep you safe if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.
The alternative to crisis support is available Mon-Sat in the central hub and Mon –
Fri in the north and south mental health hubs. Opening hours can be found on
A&E – 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Alder Hey will see you if you’re under the age of 16.
Liverpool University Hospitals Accident and Emergency Departments (The
Liverpool University Hospitals Accident and Emergency Departments (The Royal & Aintree) will see you if you’re aged 16 and above.
You can also speak to whoever initially referred you to Mental Health Support for Children and Young People in Liverpool, for example, your school or your GP, for support.
There are some telephone-based support services you can access:
The Alder Hey CAMHS 24/7 crisis care team can support you if you’re
experiencing a mental health crisis. They can also help to keep you safe with
The Alder Hey CAMHS 24/7 crisis care team can support you if you’re
experiencing a mental health crisis. They can also help to keep you safe with advice and support. Freephone 0808 196 3550
Mersey Care 24/7 crisis team if you’re 16+. Freephone 0800 145 6570
YPAS and Alder Hey teams will check in with you and your parents/carers while you’re waiting for your initial appointment. If you or your parent/carer would like an update on the progress of your referral, you can call them:
YPAS Tel: 0151 707-1025 Alder Hey Tel: 0151 293 3662

Is your child up to date with their vaccinations? Childhood infections like measles and whooping cough are rising.If your child isn’t vaccinated, they’re not protected. Childhood infections can cause serious illness, hospitalisation and life-long disabilities. It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection, but if your child missed a vaccine, contact your GP surgery to catch up.
To have full protection, children sometimes need to have booster vaccines. Check their red book or speak to your GP surgery to see if they are missing any.
Childhood infections can cause serious illness, hospitalisation and life-long
You can also visit www.nhs.uk/childhoodvaccinations to find out more and see if you should book an appointment for your child.
M-PACT Gambling Support For Families

Lean On Me – CELLS initiative that helps support family members who are struggling with the behavioural issues of their children.

NSPCC – Childline Services

Helping children and mothers after domestic abuse
Through Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together (DART™), children and mothers can talk to each other about domestic abuse, learn to communicate and rebuild their relationship.
The service, which has been recognised by the Home Office, also provides children and mothers with an opportunity to meet others who have lived through similar experiences.
How DART works
Over ten weeks, mothers and children aged 7-14 meet for a weekly two-hour group session.
Children and mothers work together for an hour at the start of the group, and then take part in activities in separate groups. At the end of each session, they join together again.
Women learn more about:
- how domestic abuse happens
- how it affects children.
They’ll also explore experiences and strategies that can be used as a parent.
Children take part in activities together that help them build their own
understanding of domestic abuse and how they’re feeling
Tel 01515561000 to find out more

Holy Trinity Church
Richmond Park, L6 5AD
(Please click the links to visit the webpage)
- Homelessness https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/homelessness
- Private Renting https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/private_renting
- Eviction https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/eviction
- Tenancy Deposits https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/tenancy_deposits
- Repairs https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/repairs
- Benefits and Money Problems
- https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/benefits
- Council Housing https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/council_housing_association
- Mortgage Repossession https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/repossession
Call Shelter on their emergency national helpline on 0808 800 4444 during opening hours in you are homeless, have nowhere to stay tonight, are worried about losing your home, or are at risk of harm or abuse in your home.
Click here for online advice to get help with your housing rights and the next steps to take in your situation.
Use the webchat if you need help to take next steps, or prefer not to call.
Shelter’s legal team can help you if you are eligible for Legan Aid, for example, if you need to go to court about a housing problem or to challenge a council’s homelessness decision. To speak to the legal team you will need to make an appointment. To do this, please call 0344 515 1300 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. This number is for new legal appointments only.
Property Pool Plus

Property Pool Plus is for anyone looking for affordable housing to rent in the areas of Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton, Wirral, Runcorn or Widnes. Merseyside housing providers list their properties for rent on the website each week, giving you the chance to find your preferred home with a variety of houses, bungalows, flats, apartments and sheltered accommodation of various sizes available to meets your needs. There are typically around 150 homes available each week.
To REGISTER for housing click here to visit the registration page
To LOGIN to an existing account click here to visit the the login page
To FIND QUICK ANSWERS click here to visit the Frequently Asked Questions page
To CONTACT PPP, please use the messaging facility when logged into your account, if you are not registered go to the contact us page