Meet our Safeguarding Team
Please speak to us in confidence if you have any concerns, either in person or by telephone on 0151 263 9561.

Tracey Bleasdale
Deputy DSL Children's Centre

Mrs M Wignall
Learning Mentor

Mrs M Kelly
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all practitioners should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.
No single practitioner can have a full picture of a child’s needs and circumstances. If children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action. (Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024)
All Saints School will do all that is possible and reasonable to safeguard the children attending it. We have put into place clear policies and strategies to ensure the safeguarding and welfare of pupils especially those relating to child protection, behaviour, bullying, safe recruitment of staff, staff code of conduct, health and safety, harassment and discrimination. We will meet all our statutory duties to the highest standard. (Keeping children safe in education Sep 2024)
If you have any concerns about the safety and well-being of a child or family, please contacted the Designated Safeguarding Leads at All Saints;
Mrs Margie Kelly [DSL],
Mrs Dunn [Deputy Headteacher, Deputy DSL]
In addition to this, other members of our Safeguarding Team include the following staff:
Mr Macleod [Assistant Headteacher] Mrs Marsden [SENDCO] Mrs Macleod [Assistant Headteacher KS1], Mrs Wignall [Learning Mentor], Mrs Hanlon [Learning Mentor]
All staff receive regular safeguarding training and are available to discuss any concerns or issues. We believe that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility.
Our Safeguarding Team
Child Protection Policy 2024/2025
The Prevent Strategy
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass Letter to Parents
Guidance Around Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)