Within the Centre we have several rooms which are used on a daily basis.
The Training Room is equipped with tables and chairs and an Interactive Television which enables us to run various sessions that require a more formal room and educational courses such as English & Maths, ESOL and Computer Skills. The Training room can also be hired out by partner organisations to hold small events or meetings.
The Multi-Purpose Room is used for our group activities and services such as Play Groups and Baby Massage. Within the room there is a snack kitchen which allows a healthy snack to be prepared in our sessions.The Training room and the Multi-Purpose room are divided by folding doors so the two rooms can easily become one. These areas also have an outdoor play facility.
The Sensory Room is equipped with “state of the art” sensory equipment and is a place where children and adults can explore and develop their senses and skills. The sensory room has many different features ranging from soft play areas, padded floors and walls and interactive equipment which make dramatic changes to the sensory room environment using sound, lighting and fragrance.
The Medical Room is where our weekly health clinics take place with local midwives and health visitors. The room provides a comfortable and private environment for appointments with health professionals, support and for health checks to be carried out on children accessing the clinics.The Children’s Centre welcomes breast feeding and is happy to provide a private space for breast feeding parents if required.
All the rooms within the Centre are risk assessed daily to ensure that they are child friendly and safe to use.
To find out more information about room hire and availability please contact the Centre on 0151 233 4001.