The children in the Hive follow the Semi-Formal and Informal Equals curriculum.
The ultimate aim of our curriculum at All Saints Hive is for our pupils to develop and achieve skills that will enable them to have the greatest level of independence and experience enjoyable and fulfilling lives. We endeavour to provide a motivating and engaging curriculum in which pupils can achieve and make progress based on their assessed levels and next steps in a personalised way.
Underpinning our curriculum, we seek to develop:
– communication and understanding
– attention
– personal and social development, including well-being and own emotional regulation and relationships with others.
-sensory integration
– independence, including life-skills
– engagement and enjoyment
Within this we aspire:
-For pupils to access a broad and balanced curriculum at a differentiated level and accessing the mainstream if and when it is appropriate for individual children.
-To promote pupils’ spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing so that they are secure, confident and well- motivated.
-For all pupils, successful transition within, into and out of the setting.
-To provide the correct sensory diet, suitable for the needs of each child.
All Saints Hive Enhanced Provision provides high quality teaching. Teachers carefully assess each pupils’ abilities. Teachers work with parents/carers and any linked professionals to target the next key steps in priority areas that include communication/understanding, personal and social development and key skills. These are agreed through 12-month outcomes set as part of the EHCP process and are reviewed termly with parents/carers. Teachers also plan the next individual pupil steps in all curriculum areas. Teaching is informed by the planned and sequenced knowledge and skills in all areas.
Alongside this, teachers identify the strategies that each pupil needs to access the curriculum to achieve and make progress. This is individual to each pupil. Strategies include:
Intensive Interaction, structured visual support, PECS, work/reward/ multi-sensory delivery, repetition etc. Teachers use a range of strategies to support pupils to learn and retain information. In partnership with parent/carers elements of a NHS health linked professional therapy programme may be implemented or integrated into the school day balanced with the educational access to the wider curriculum.
Throughout the whole curriculum communication and understanding, early literacy and maths skills and our foundation priorities are integrated into all learning as appropriate and children are supported with these according to their individual needs. The sequence of learning in all subjects is personal to pupil or groups of pupils based on their prior learning and engagement in learning is central to all. In the informal curriculum English and Maths are taught through daily functional skills sessions and timetabled lessons. They are based on careful assessment of pupils’ abilities and needs and their progressive sequenced next step of learning.
Our curriculum overview shows how skills and knowledge are built up through the semi-formal and informal curriculum. Please see links to curriculum overviews for further information. This allows pupils to be grouped in classes based on a range of factors e.g. pupil needs, abilities and friendships. The units enable key skills and knowledge to be worked on in each unit within an exciting and motivating context. Each subject has skill and knowledge progression mapped but each pupil will work on their next steps and teachers will break down into further small steps or widen due to the unique nature of each pupil and how they engage and access the curriculum.
- The aspiration for all pupils who attend our Hive is they achieve their full potential in all aspects of their development. The outcome of the curriculum is highly bespoke to the individual, and all progress is celebrated. This may be personal, social or academic progress. The progress is captured using our assessment system ‘BSquared’, including capturing the progress achieved through each child’s annual EHCP Review meeting. Progress is shared with parents and carers verbally, or via Seesaw our evidence for learning app. Occasional we can share progress information at drop off times for some of our children who don’t access transport.