Parental Signposting / Support Agencies:
Tel. 0800 0129066
Liverpool ASD Training Team
Tel. 0151 233 5988
The Isabella Trust
Tel. 07956 749 774
LivPaC (Parent Carer Forum)
Tel. 0151 7275271, 07504 544638
SEND local offer
Tel. 0151 934 3334
Autism and Social Communication Team
Tel. 0151 934 2347
The Isabella Trust
Tel. 07956 749 774
Sefton Parent Carer Forum
Tel. 07541 326860
SEND local offer
CAMHS – Tel. 0151 293 3662 (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm)
YPAS – Tel. 0151 707 1025
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network – Tel. 0151 486 1788
CAMHS Crisis Line – Tel. 0151 293 3577 (Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm and on weekends/Bank Holidays from 10am – 4pm)
Parental Signposting / Support Available:
Please find below recent newsletters, flyers and leaflets detailing advice / support for parents who have children with special educational needs:
ADDvanced Solutions:
ADDvanced Solutions is a Community Network that encourages, equips and empowers neurodiverse children, young people and their families, and those with specific learning difficulties, SEN and Disability, and associated mental health needs.
They offer a mix of face-to-face and online groups, workshops and learning programmes for parent/carers to access to better understand and support their child.
Isabella Trust:
The Isabella Trust aim to support parents, carers and families of children with autism and sensory difficulties by providing support, information and access to training, courses and workshops.